Second Wind Day Spa's Blog

Springtime Massage

April 2nd, 2014 • Posted by Second Wind Day Spa • Permalink

Ahhh, springtime! A time to refresh...a time to renew...a time to reinvigorate mind and spirit....Ummm, OK...but let's face it. It's also a time to whip that flabby winter bod into shape for the beach or the pool.

Massage, with centuries of results behind it, is an excellent strategy toward fulfilling all these goals. It's scientifically proven to have a positive effect on mood. It brings oxygen to muscles, making workouts more effective and recovery time faster. And regular treatments lead to continuous benefits.

The short, low-light days of winter - together with the physiological stress from extreme temperatures - can seem to practically drain the life from your body and seriously dampen your mood. Massage is proven to release endorphins - the body's own natural mood boosters. Even 10 minutes of massage administered regularly, can have a profound effect on the mind and spirit. But the benefits of this modality don't stop there.

When our therapist kneads your muscles, oxygen flow is enhanced. And when it comes to muscles, more oxygen means better function. Muscles that work properly develop more efficiently. Moreover, massage also improves joint function, promoting the flow of synovial fluid, which, in short, keeps bone from rubbing against bone in the joint when you move. Consider using massage as workout prep, especially if you've been skipping the gym. Aerating and lubricating muscles and joints before you even get started can spur both development and recovery. In addition, post-workout massage helps ward off damage to muscle tissue. Whether you're running, weight training, practicing Yoga or you're obsessed with squeezing into last year's bikini, a massage can help get your body back in action.

You can derive these life-enhancing benefits from nearly any type of massage. So if massage-wise, you're stuck in a rut - a bad place to be, no matter the season - let spring's fresh breezes lead you in a new direction. Tired of deep-tissue? Try the long strokes of Swedish. Whatever your choice, as you revel in the momentary sensations of massage, revel too in knowing for sure you're helping to nourish and heal mind, body and spirit.

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New Season, New Nails

March 18th, 2014 • Posted by Second Wind Day Spa • Permalink

Spring is around the corner! Your nails have had to endure a long, cold, wet winter just like you have, and now it is time to perk them up with the care that they deserve. Nail care is extremely important because your hands are always visible. From the length of your nails to the color applied, every detail matters and nothing makes your nails more beautiful than a manicure.

A manicure consists of filing, shaping of the free edge, treatments, massage of your hand as well as the application of polish. Other nail treatments may include the application of artificial nail tips, acrylics, or artificial nail gels. Some manicures can include the painting of pictures or designs on the nails or applying small decals or imitation jewels.

Your nails are yours alone, to decorate and design the way they best represent your mood, personality, and the season! Much like body art or jewelry, your nails can be decorated in just about any way imaginable. When your nails are treated right, they feel right, and just like your clothes, your nails say a lot about who you are. Your nails and hands are a feature that will be looked at more than just about anything else on you! You greet people with your hands, say goodbye to people with your hands, and generally deal with the entire public on a day to day basis through the use of your hands. Your nails are a statement and what that statement comes across as to other people is entirely up to you!

Spring is in the air and it is time to get yourself ready. Subtle colors are in! Why not try a pearlescent white nail polish accented with simple white flowers? Or perhaps a pastel shade of white or blue with elegant white swirl designs? Or maybe a more simple and very feminine pastel pink? Soft milky shades of nail polish as well as pure whites are the trend right now.

No matter what you choose, in the end you will feel like a thousand bucks, and look like it too!

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The Goodness of Yoga

March 2nd, 2014 • Posted by Second Wind Day Spa • Permalink

Those who benefit from the relaxing techniques of massage should consider trying Yoga. This exercise routine combines physical poses, breath control and meditation to work the body and release stress. Yoga is also known to improve several health conditions. Check out the benefits of this popular exercise below.

Build strength

Some kinds of Yoga are meant as more of a physical workout. Power Yoga classes, for example, are meant to build muscle tone and improve your overall build.

Increased endurance

Yoga contains a fair amount of breath control. By training your body to breathe more efficiently, you'll be able to improve your athletic performance. For example, runners and long distance cyclists often take Yoga classes to improve their overall endurance.

Improved flexibility

Yoga works your muscles and soft tissues, which in return, improves your flexibility. After eight weeks of Yoga, participants could see a 35 percent increase in the flexibility of their arms and trunk.

Stress relief

Yoga stimulates a biochemical response in the brain and limits the amount of hormones associated with stress and tension. The exercise also incorporates a meditation element, which encourages participants to reach a soothing mental state.

Improved heart function

Studies show people with high cholesterol or mild heart problems can reverse some of the adverse effects of these medical problems through Yoga. The exercises can slow the heart rate, decrease blood pressure and make people more aware of their body.

Yoga is more than a great work out. It's a time to focus on yourself, let the worries of the day melt away and relax. Don't be intimidated to give Yoga a try. We were all beginners at one point.

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